ARK Survival Evolved

From DarkServerUK Wiki
Revision as of 19:03, 3 November 2015 by Darkrising (talk | contribs)
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This server is currently offline

We have a ARK: Survival Evolved server, it currently is vanilla.

How to access?

Either go into your game's server search and type 'DSUK' or 'DarkServerUK' or use the steps listed on our mighty Steam Wiki page.


Currently the server settings are set to all default.


The normal DSUK rules apply with the prime directive being 'Don't be a dick'.


Please check out our forums for for the latest updates and to voice your opinion on our servers.

Hackers / Scrublords

If you see anyone doing anything they shouldn't be (duping items, teleporting, spawning millions of dinosaurs from their butt) please report them on our forums.